LATEST: Renters Reform Bill is opportunity to ‘fix PRS problems once and for all’

beadle renters reform bill
Please Note: This Article is 3 years old. This increases the likelihood that some or all of it's content is now outdated.

The imminent Renters Reform Bill is a good opportunity to put an end to the previous ‘Whac-A-Mole’ approach to housing policy, says landlord boss Ben Beadle.

Speaking on a webinar hosted by Hamilton Fraser and watched by over 315 landlords, the head of the National Residential Landlords Association told viewers that if Section 21 had to go, he would hold Housing Minister Christopher Pincher to account to ensure that possession rights for good landlords with legitimate rights to repossess property were strengthened.

He said: “We need a far better way of resolving housing disputes, the whole bailiff nonsense needs streamlining, and the approach to courts handling cases needs a fundamental review – this Bill is the vehicle to do that.”

Beadle reassured landlords that there wasn’t much to fear from other planned changes in the sector such as lifetime deposits and mandatory redress.

“Why should tenants have a lesser service when they come to someone who doesn’t use a letting agent than a landlord that does?” he asked.

Massive kicking

He added that despite having taken a “massive kicking” during Covid, landlords had done an amazing job of supporting tenants.

And while they might baulk at constant changes, bad landlords were still a problem.

“We shouldn’t be afraid of greater regulation coming down the track, just afraid of regulation that doesn’t bring landlords on the journey.

Landlords need to be brought along with the direction of travel, and not treated like second class citizens.”

Beadle also reiterated the NRLA’s view that although landlords were doing their best during the pandemic, more needed to be done, with grants and loans necessary to help both landlords and tenants.

“Being a landlord is hard enough – stick in a global health crisis and it suddenly becomes a massive challenge. Our approach is the best way to support the sector is to put money in the pockets of renters so they can honour their commitments.”

Watch the webinar

Landlords wishing to watch the webinar should email A copy will cost £30 including VAT and will get you 3.5 CPD points.

Read the official guidance on the Renters Reform Bill.

Please Note: This Article is 3 years old. This increases the likelihood that some or all of it's content is now outdated.


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